Sunday, 6 June 2010

No difference

Tuesday 16th February 2010

As per the pharmacist instructions, I took the new painkillers half an hour before I got up to gain the maximum effect. It made no difference. The pain was still excruciating !!!

I was really tempted to go back to bed after John had gone to work and cry my eyes out. However non-stop tears and making myself miserable wouldn’t make the pain go away so decided just to get on with it.

When the pain was really bad, I would either pant like what pregnant women do when they are in labour do, or sing.

The only probably with singing was it sounded a bit like this ‘I’lllllllllllllll build a stttttttttttairrrrrrrrrrrrway to parrrrrrradddddddddddddddisssssssssssssse, with a newwwwwwwwwwwwwwww steppppppppppppppp every dayyyyyyyyyyyy’.

1 comment:

  1. These bloody tablets do sod-all! They just make a guess at perscribing half the time.

    Hang in there, sweetie xxxx


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