Friday, 10 September 2010

Drive time

Friday 10th September 2010

I did something today that I hadn’t done for over 25 years – and that was have a driving lesson….

Due to being hipless, and because of one thing and another, getting back driving would require me to part use hand controls.

I’ve never seen a car with hand controls, let alone drive using them, so I booked a driving lesson with ‘Bob’.

It was one of the most scariest things I have even done !!!!!!!! Think rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time but a thousand times more difficult, well that’s what it was like….

Thankfully I already knew how to drive so only had to concentrate on one hand doing the accelerating and braking, while the other hand steered using a knob.

Bob was impressed with how quickly I picked it up but I thought it best to have another lesson next week so I could practice reversing and parking.

I’m hoping that when I see Kermit a week today, getting a car fitted with hand controls and taking the driving lessons, will be all for nothing, and that I can have a new hip put in. However I always look on the black side so I am taking no chances !!!

Today is also the first anniversary of me being admitted to hospital. I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by. Hopefully come the second anniversary I will be on two feet…

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